Catharine Blaine PTA, a nonprofit, is the parent-teacher association for Catharine Blaine K-8 School, in Seattle, Washington.
The previous website had become too limited for the vast amount of information, on both static and continuous degrees.
As information designer and UI/UX product designer, I created a complete hierarchical system of information, addressing and adapting to the needs of the target audience. At the end of the project, I had served as a web designer, a project manager and mediator.
Create a communications system that is accessible for Blaine's target demographic, complex enough to organize the large amount of information provided, and yet still easily accessible for modification and content editing by volunteers.
Parents of children who attend Catharine Blaine.
Having never designed in Squarespace before, I taught myself how to adapt and tweak the limitations of the platform, and added third-party applications and widgets like MailChimp and ConstantContact, as well as designing some visual elements in the Adobe CreativeCloud.
Homepage of Catherine Blaine PTA.

Mobile menu.

Catherine Blaine PTA Calendar.