Brief: This project was designed to encourage conversation around safe sex and consent and to abolish the taboo that currently exists around sexual activity. Establishing a consent-centered sex education program would create a more positive and inclusive environment with less victims and more empowered, educated individuals.
Insight: In spaces where morality guides policy, lines are blurred and proper education on sex, consent, and sexual identity is not often provided. Young people deserve knowledge on their bodies and rights.
Method: I chose to create several artifacts for the project: a brochure, stickers, a poster, and a "safe sex" kit. I used bright, punchy colors and bold text to make a strong statement.
Takeaway: I really enjoyed imagining what a "human-centered" sex education program would look like. If I were to continue this project in the future, I would like to develop some kind of digital element (website or app) to allow viewers to educate themselves independently.
The brochure is designed to be included in a "safe sex" kit as a reference and educational tool about consent, exploring the nuances of consensual sex.

Page layout for the booklet.

The sticker is intended to provide a lasting sense of impact and redirect the users' thought process to the product (eg, if it is placed on a water bottle or laptop), as well as produce brand credibility and holistically stimulate conversation about consent.

The poster is designed to provide awareness about the program.

Mood Board

Color Palette

Safe Sex Kit Packaging Prototypes

Poster Prototypes