Travelle is a fictional travel service for women, empowering and encouraging them to travel solo.
Brief: This poster was created in response to a social action prompt, calling viewers to engage in their communities. I wanted to create a poster that captured the independence, beauty, and bravery of women who travel alone.
Insight: According to a 2014 survey, 72 percent of American women like to travel solo. Searches for "solo female travel” grew by 52% between 2016 and 2017. However, women face sexual assault, harassment, and even murder while traveling abroad; even if they are prudent and take precautions.
Method: I created identity personas to determine who my target audience might be.
I wanted to create a style that stood out to obtain a clean, bright look that was attractive to people of all gender identities.
I wanted to create a style that stood out to obtain a clean, bright look that was attractive to people of all gender identities.
Takeaway: I'm quite satisfied with my illustration. This was one of my first attempts at the "flat design" style.


Design Inspiration Moodboard

Early iterations
