Printing is an essential part of the design process. Keeping your computerized work properties immaculate will limit the need to clean up documents just before sending them. By this stage color bleeds ought to be set, hues checked against tests and swatches, all photography ought to have been acquired/arranged, page margins ought to be adjusted, ragging balanced, and the spell check finished. Creating a positive work process, from configuration stage to completed item, will help guarantee a successful result without fail. Great printing abilities are fundamental and, in spite of the fact that an awful idea can't be spared by great printing, an extraordinary idea can be downplayed by bad printing. Paper is very important to design, and can improve or reduce the design’s quality. Style, marking, and price range become possibly the most important factor when you make your determinations, and the hues chosen should be the ones the ones that show up correctly on the completed item. In all customary printing strategies , advanced craftsmanship should be isolated into the constituent hues in which it will be printed. With traditional lithography taking a back seat to computerized presses developed in the mid 1990s with the capacity to make print directly from an advanced document, printing capabilities have opened up new horizons to the possibilities of print.
3D printing has become the newest advancement in printing technology. As designers, it is important to note that even though 3D printers won’t be as cheap or common as PCs anytime soon, they are likely going to keep on growing in prevalence. As indicated by Steinar Killi, doctoral applicant at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, bigger enterprises are now utilizing 3D printing. Organizations are currently ready to specially craft their own items in view of particular customer needs, and they can do it more quickly than before, for example, Nike. As it grows, 3D printing is winding up progressively available. It is so popular that there are even personal-size, portable 3-D printers available for sale, making them more accessible to consumers. As indicated by an article distributed at Design News, NASA's sister organization, Made in Space, is taking a shot at printing materials with 3-D technology. Because of the openness and speed of 3D printing, organizations can make little clumps of new outline rapidly, test them, and alter as needs be — without squandering significant time or cash in bigger scale tests. As 3D printing develops more typical, what will happen to architects? Time will tell what these new technologies have in store for designers, engineers, and innovation as a whole.

Above, a product design and the product itself collide in a whimsical use of 3-D printing for a pair of earrings that involve the user in an interactive experience. Source:

Above: Artists and designers are now able to intersect illustration and 3-D product design, thanks to new tools and technology. Source:

Above: 3-D printing has taken print and design and melded with architecture, engineering, and even sculpture. As seen above, 3-D printing can be used to create unusual, experimental forms and shapes. Source:

Above: This intricate 2-D embossed text gives dimension and visual interest to the design. This is likely fairly expensive as far as production value. Image source: Pinterest (can't find original source) :(